Sunday, April 17, 2005

Cultural Demerits

A friend and I were forced to take a cab back to the guesthouse – something which is generally frowned upon for security reason. Still, we hailed the cab, no problem, and my friend spoke enough Dari to get us where we wanted to go. When we arrived at our destination, however, the driver refused to take our money. We didn’t understand at first, and tried to give it on him again, but he said, “No, you are guests. No money.” I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never had a taxi driver refuse payment, anywhere. And at dinner at the guesthouse that night, I related the story to the group. Two of the guys looked at me and said, “You’re supposed to insist! Haven’t you received any cultural training?”

Apparently, it’s a custom here (though the first I’ve encountered it) for shopkeepers, restaurant owners, and cab drivers to initially refuse payment. One must press it upon them.



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