Friday, September 01, 2006

No title (because that would require creative thought)

Some of you have been wondering whether I've dropped off the planet. I haven't -- just haven't had anything nice to say and decided to take a break from the complaining (a wallet stolen in Cairo, deteriorating security situation in Pakistan, etc.). That said, I'm breaking my silence in spite of still having nothing good to say.

The Pakistani government dropped a missile on a Balochistan warlord, and the local rabble rousers are up in arms. Add that to a narrowly avoided vote of no confidence against the prime minister, and a whiff of instability now hangs in the air. In honor of this, I just learned our office is going to have a surprise "shocking" security test at a date not to be announced. If it's a faux "kidnap the ex-pat," I'm going to be super pissed.

Unless they faux-kidnap the visiting consultant.

That could be funny.


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