Sunday, March 25, 2007

Positively deviant

Save the Children is doing this really simple, amazing, brilliant, obvious thing in Afghanistan, which costs very little so of course no donor will fund it. It's called "positive deviation." Basically, they go into a village where there's malnutrition (pretty much in all Afghan villages) then look for women who have healthy kids. They figure out what the mothers with healthy kids are doing, then train these mothers to work with the other village mothers and share their feeding/cooking techniques. This way, instead of importing infant formulas and frozen chickens from America, local women are sharing local solutions using local inputs. In the first village they tried this in, they ended malnutrition in twelve days. Yes, that's twelve DAYS.

This is the sort of aid work that *should* be happening all over the world, and let's hope we see more of it.


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