Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Good Timing. Questionable Location.

You won’t hear from me for a few days because today I’m leaving for Pakistan. The ex-pat community in Kabul has just been warned of possible terrorist attacks from now through the 29th, so the vacation is good timing. Pakistan probably isn’t the best travel option for an American at present (thanks, Newsweek), but… it isn’t Afghanistan. And as much as I enjoy what I’m doing here, right now not being in Afghanistan seems a desirable thing. Most ex-pats only stay for six weeks at a time before taking a break or going insane. I’m overdue.

Angry mob, shmob. I plan on having an excellent time picture taking, ice cream eating, book shopping, and just plain being somewhere other than here.

Besides, my father and I have a competition going for how many countries we can visit, and I know Pakistan isn’t on his list.


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