Saturday, November 26, 2005

What's worse than a security advisor with no sense of humor?

A security advisor with a sense of humor. We're getting radios (hate 'em), and with radios come radio call-signs. Our security advisor was devising call-signs on the one day I decided to wear a ponytail.

Now I'm Pocahontas.

What's scary is that I'm starting to answer to the name.

On a totally unrelated note, I spent Thanksgiving at one of the US bases here. Never have I felt so welcome. Little wonder they were excited to see a fresh face - the base was grim, all concrete and metal. A few days later I visited an ISAF base (the international forces). What a difference! Not only does that place have a beer garden, but it also has beer! That said, if the chips were down, I'd prefer to have the Americans at my back. The international forces may have a cushier life, but they're also the ones targeted for terrorist attacks. I suspect there's a correlation. Who to tangle with... frustrated Americans or relaxed Europeans? Hm...

Of course, I'm being facetious, but it is true that the international forces have been taking some hits recently. The security situation has taken another dip of late, and we're all hoping it's the last blast until winter sets in rather than the beginning of a trend. There's been a report, however, that 100 fighters trained by Zarqawi have snuck across the borders, prepped for suicide bombing.


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