Wednesday, January 18, 2006

There Oughta Be a Law...

Or there oughta be someone to slap legislators silly when they start dreaming up new laws. Most laws take away someone else's rights, and if I were elected to the legislature I'd run on a ticket of obstructing as many new laws as possible.

Pakistan has taken this legal folly to new heights. Most recently, Pakistani lawmakers have made it illegal to fly kites and to serve food at weddings. The rationale for these laws is that the poor are spending too much money on both activities and need to be saved from themselves by banning them. In today's paper there was a complaint that the rich were getting around the wedding laws, for the more laws Pakistan creates, the more opportunities there are for pay-offs for the enforcers to turn blind eyes.

Blasphemy is also illegal, a law much abused of late, with neighbors irate over property disputes sending each other to jail for blaspheming. And pity the non-Muslim, a blasphemer by nature.


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