Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Positively deviant
Save the Children is doing this really simple, amazing, brilliant, obvious thing in Afghanistan, which costs very little so of course no donor will fund it. It's called "positive deviation." Basically, they go into a village where there's malnutrition (pretty much in all Afghan villages) then look for women who have healthy kids. They figure out what the mothers with healthy kids are doing, then train these mothers to work with the other village mothers and share their feeding/cooking techniques. This way, instead of importing infant formulas and frozen chickens from America, local women are sharing local solutions using local inputs. In the first village they tried this in, they ended malnutrition in twelve days. Yes, that's twelve DAYS.
This is the sort of aid work that *should* be happening all over the world, and let's hope we see more of it.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Military Aid
In the development world, aid workers tend to sneer at soldiers to provide humanitarian assistance (that old hearts and minds). I've been thinking about it a lot lately, since delivering the funds to Help Afghan Kids, an all-volunteer outfit run by the soldiers at Camp Phoenix. When we dropped off the money, the soldiers explained that they weren't funding the orphanages any more because they were quite well stocked -- so well supplied that local parents were committing their children to them to make sure they were fed and clothed. To prevent that from happening, the soldiers decided to provide aid to the village children instead, and they do it quite efficiently. A medical check-up at one of their temporary medical tents only costs $1 per child.
Now I totally get the idea that if soldiers are delivering aid, people might be more hostile to non-soldiers delivering aid, confusing the two. However, the soldiers seem a lot more accountable than the average development worker, who gets handed grandiose schemes from some guy sitting in Washington. First, if they don't get public services out, they run the risk of people becoming more hostile and shooting at them (a good incentive). Second, the soldiers actually are looking around at what's happening in their little neighborhoods and delivering the goods - i.e., they're coming up with local solutions to local problems. That doesn't happen as often or as easily when aid workers are working off 5-year plans from DC.
So all in all, I guess I come down in favor of military aid. It may not change the world, but sometimes I wonder if our big USAID plans are doing any good either. And at least the soldiers are getting what's needed to folks who need it.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Back in Kabul
I haven't been able to access blogspot from Pakistan, hence the lack of recent posts. However, I'm in Afghanistan for the next week and a half and enjoying myself immensely.
This morning I was woken up by a large explosion. I was too tired to figure out it was an explosion at the time -- I thought someone was rattling my door (it was the window rattling), cursed, and rolled over. Then my colleague called to tell me there had been a car bomb near the Serena. It turned out to be four gunpowder shops suddenly and unexpectedly going out of business in the old city, which I guess is a relief but at least 13 people were killed in the explosion. And if you're like me, you're thinking, "gunpowder shops?" Okaaaaaay.
Once it was clear that it was safe to leave the hotel, I went to my security debriefing, and the statistics were utterly depressing. Attacks in Afghanistan more than doubled in 2006, and it looks like they'll be worse in 2007 if the trend continues.
Then work (yes, I do work), then off to Camp Phoenix to drop off the funds my company raised for Help Afghan Kids, a project run by the US soldiers there. What a great bunch of guys. You can read more about their humanitarian projects at: http://www.taskforcewarrior.org. Or, check out one of their blogs at: http://www.taskforcephoenix5.blogspot.com. How great were they? They let us shop at the PX! Nutter Butters and Enduring Freedom t-shirts! Whoo hoo!